The month of February is nearly over. It was very fast, indeed, though much happened in it. Now that I look back, I see that I’m very pleased with how things went. All with celebrations, sick leaves, working schedules and creativity went fine, more than simply OK. Day 25 was Tuesday, so the prompt was of the #TwoForTuesday type. Here is one of the last poems I’ve written for the 28 to Create project: Day 25 – Ambition and Despair

Striving upwards
to skies curtained
with hesitation,
embroidered in clouds
so pink
they are disgusting.
I am sick
of desire to be perfect.
I am petrified by
the chance to
end up in the gutter.
That chance is grand.
Despair is stalking me
as I am staring at it –
sick and tired of reality,
striving upwards.
Can I escape dark lands
and the mire of desolation,
to roam off distant shores?
Yeah, sure.
Go ahead.
©2014, soulmary