Accepting the Award

Following this pretty month of April, during which I celebrated poetry and web-friendship to the full, I happened to receive the Liebster Award! I hardly knew what it was and how I have come to deserve it, yet – here it is!

It came my way by way of Misky’s Alphabet Soup de Jour poetic blog:

Misky is a blogging and poetry friend whom I met through Poetic Asides (Robert’s) November Poem-A-Day Chapbook Challenge 2010 – the first one I ever did and in fact, the one that hooked me to web-poetry forums and prompts. Since that November, Misky and me have been frequent visitors of each other’s blogs and have communicated through several social media 😀 Oh, I almost forgot, Misky not only writes amazing poetry, she also cooks and attends a magnificent garden! Those arts are far beyond me, so I’m pretty humbled.

As a way of recognition, I should myself nominate five other bloggers for the Liebster Award. You have no idea how hard it is. I picked around 10… OK, here are the final cast:

Viv Blake – beautiful poety, reflective pieces, amazing style (and she lives in France):

Magical Mystical Teacher -great haiku, always accompanied by appropriate photos (and she is a teacher, indeed)

Grace – she writes poetry which is really full of grace; whenever I try to write a meaningful comment to her verse, I come up with the same old, same old “oh, Grace, it’s so graceful”

Becca Givens – she amazes me with powerful and peaceful poetry combined with smashing photos. How do these girls have the patience to load all that…

Diana Teneva – well, how wonderful is that I should meet another Bulgarian, also living in Bulgaria, through the web-forum, especially through one that is hosted by poets residing in India… I consider meeting Diana one of the best things that happened to me during this April. She writes in three languages, her haiku are tender and thought-provoking, and she has great taste for fine arts. Oh, and she is a teacher, too.

My dear friends, here are the rules of the Liebster Blog Award:

1. Thank the person that gave you the award in a post on your own site 
2. Nominate up to five blogs with less than 200 followers 
3. Let the nominees know they’ve won by leaving a comment on one of their posts 
4. Add the Liebster image above so all your readers know that you are a recipient.


Those were the days, my friend… – Carry On Tuesday

Carry On Tuesday #124 – A sweet line from an old and cute song, sang to a Russian tune (that was completely new piece of information for me). I remember the song so well, my mom and her best friend used to love that song, played it all the time and used to sing along and loud, though they did not know the English lyrics… Maybe the song used to have a Bulgarian lyrics-version… I do not remember that.


Those were the days

of wonder and despair

Those were our dreams

we somehow wasted there

Believing life

will crush our foes

and smile to us

Those were the days

of wonder, bliss and fuss.

© 2011 Mariya Koleva