Sunday Whirl 690 – The Missing Wings Poem

Some time has passed since I wrote my latest poem. But, hey, yesterday’s Sunday Whirl #690 just didn’t allow me to pass silently by. With a great wordle provided by Brenda I simply couldn’t help it.

Missing wings hurt much,
as though some cartilage is latched fast
to limit movement, and with that – freedom.

A catastrophe, indeed,
albeit often do we feel as if
we play some part in a fairy tale
where enchantment turns to being doomed
to live and walk our time in gloom.

A bird will crave its sky-bound soar,
the loss will be a catalyst for
it to sing and chatter even more.
© 2025, soulmary

Knit – RDP Saturday

When I was a child, all grandmothers used to knit. We would receive sweaters, hats, socks and whatnot for each winter holiday. A rich variety of patterns and colours, knitted clothes were an invariable part of our lives. Looking at my granny and mom and admiring their dexterity and the beautiful outcome of the activity made me eager to learn to knit, as well. Of course, perfection is a difficult thing to achieve when one is not diligent enough, but I managed to make a top for my cuddling toy which it still wears, in fact. Ah, the beauty of childhood hobbies!

You take a ball of yarn,
Start learning the loops
Then practice them –
Beginning, ending, patterns,
Until you are absorbed in the
Unending thread lining your day,
Engrossing your thoughts
Like magic.
The bonus being a shawl
Or sweater that will hug you warm
While you dream looking at the snow,
Like magic.

© 2025, soulmary

Written for yesterday’s prompt at RagTag Daily

Shy – JusJoJan 9 2025

Yay! A new challenge to try my pen at! You can read all about it on this blog. Today’s prompt is Shy. Being one of those who were incessantly accused of that personal characteristics, I happen to know a thing or two about being labelled shy and being unable to prove the label wrong. Maybe, it was not wrong all the time, after all. I penned down two short pieces, the first one a shadorma and the second one an acrostic. Enjoy!

When a child,
Always labelled shy;
Fought it back.

Shyness winks
At me in secret these days.
The world expects us.

Secretly admiring the loud and fabulous girls,
Hoping to brush against some of their splendour;
Years passed and she is still in the shadows.

© 2025, soulmary

The Ghost of New Returns – Sunday Whirl 688

So, here is the first Whirl for 2025, and I find the words really inspiring. And, so, I wrote this poem!

The Ghosts of New Returns
Like a morning without a yawn,
The steaming cup of coffee mirrors
My own gaze.
I start gathering random splinters
In my garden.
The path to the house is
Covered with stones, white and shining.
A crow croaks in the branches of the old rose bush –
The sound is a shadow of a ghost.
I am back again; this is home, and
I will stay.

© 2025, soulmary

On this link, you can check the wordle and also read some more great offerings – Sunday Whirl 688


Today is Sunday, so it’s time for Poetic Bloomings! Marie Elena and Walt have offered an amazing prompt: #523 – Acronyms. I wrote several poems. You will see that the first one not only has the acronym as a title, but is an acrostic as well. The other two only use the acronym as a title.

Trying to squeeze it all in a
Lame-looking sentence, all I wonder about is:
Did I do it

SSDD – Same stuff, different day
Another year came,
Looking and feeling just like
The previous one.
At least on Day One.
Let’s wait and see whether
It brings new things on our dish,
Such as peace, or friendship
Or joy, if nothing else.

So tempting – to point to one person
And name them the greatest.
So hard, all the same.
I try to remember the time I could easily do that.
While now… well, now, I constantly wonder
About details and methods to measure
And align it with “Of All Time”

© 2025, soulmary

Go ahead, visit their blog and read more poems in the comments!

A Fresh Start

And here is one more poem today. A Fresh Start one, written for yesterday’s Wednesday prompt on Robert’s blog at Writer’s Digest. Yeah, it’s sunny around here. It is great behind the window, but very cold once you go outside. So, I stay in and poem on. Cheers!

Sunshine, snow and smiles –
Such brilliance softens the sadness
Of another year lived by.
Cold and the intention to fast
After the opulent feasts
Add to the vigour of
A fresh start for
Yet another turn
Around the splendid Sun.

© 2025, soulmary

New Year’s Awesome Photo – TTC poem

Yay, Happy New Year, everyone! May it be healthy and lucky for all, full of pleasant moments of affection and beauty of experience! So, here I am – poeming my very first verse of the year. I went through my WordPress Reader and picked the Three Things Challenge prompt #M927 – Actor, Able and Aft.

Here is what I coined:

Open my eyes
And I see
Outside is still winter
Albeit sunny and sweet
The able actor that I am
I stride powerfully to the ship’s aft
And pose for a fabulous
New Year’s picture –
A dreamer ruminating over the days past
And days to come.

© 2025, soulmary

Nov PAD – Day 12

Today’s poem is written for the second Two for Tuesday this month.

Better Now, or Worse Now

What’s better now is that things are clear
What’s worse is they remain the same.

Can we envision progress anywhere near,
And can we find solution in ourselves?

I feel better now it’s over
And yet it’s worse now for the open end.

Shall we go on to stage another play,
Or shall we just disband the cast and tear down the circus tent?

© 2024, soulmary

Nov PAD – Day 11


She lost hope
Walked back the same road
Hoping she

Will find it
But then she lost her way
And with it – all hope.

© 2024, soulmary

And it’s a shadorma. Wink-wink.

Nov PAD – Day 10

Today’s prompt is to write a poem consisting of 10 or fewer words.

Faith and
Make up the most we need.

© 2024, soulmary