Midway in life’s journey

These days, I’ve been thinking of not writing anymore. It’s true, other authors’ activity somewhat depresses me. They manage to write, share, submit, get published, get liked, etc. in such short terms. Success around makes me feel more insignificant than I actually am. From time to time someone would ask me what happened to my book/my poetry writing/my publishing plans and intentions. I mumble in response like an idiot. I don’t even know how I decided to check the prompt sites today.

Carry On Tuesday hit the mark with Midway in Life’s Journey – a topic so sad and bitter, that the following simply poured over the paper. No tears, just words. I have no power for tears anymore.


I don’t want to hear a word

of being midway in life’s journey

Trust to my left, rust to my right

Being awake all night

Mull over self-saddening confusions

Close the window to

bleak memories

sweet memories

just memories

warming my heart

warning my mind

worrying my soul.


I can’t really pre-order my days

Nor my nights, for that matter


Purring cat on my left

Dictionary on my right –

I guess, they matter.

© Mariya Koleva, 2012


Woman in rain, Magpie 84

Magpie Tales #84 prompt is Woman in Rain:

Eternity believing in gods

Woman in the rain

Fate at her feet –

Coal-black eyes

Jet-black heat

Standing on the verge

Of a lake of despair

To summon the gods

Of despondent flair

How long till they care?

Black will soak

The rain to bones

Naked will suck

The wetness in draws

They are





©2011 Mariya Koleva

Hello… (a postcard poem) – NaPoWriMo 2011, day 2

For today’s prompt, write a postcard poem.


Hello from me.
From here.
From now.
I travelled well.
The place is great.
And sunshine is about
To spill all over my despondent brow.
No rain.
No more.
For now, at least.
Until the evening clouds
Believe that day is past
And storm the sunshine from around.
© 2011 Mariya Koleva