Day 2: Darkest Hour Poem

Your darkest hour was
When you woke
Still absorbed in the cotton wool of illusion

When you banged against the thin needles
Decorating the otherwise ugly wall of disillusionment

Your soul was extracted from you with tongs
It hurt so much, you cried with no voice
The pain pushed you to the edge of an abyss
On the other side of which you’d see lava
And flames so white they froze you.

The tongs were cold, icy cold
And all inside you glued to them
When they were pulling at your soul
Extracting it.

So that you lost it
Tears felt out of place
The darkest hour – jumping the train to
The Happily-Ever-After dope.



Originally, I meant to write haiku for Carpe Diem’s prompt of Eclipse. Obviously, I need to write other stuff, too. Here it is:

Image credit: Smattila
Image credit: Smattila

Eclipsed by destiny
and the craze
of recent summer,
my shells-and-pebbles necklace
is lying quiet on the beach.

Forgotten, looking junk-like
Just a whiff of hot sand
carried with the
harsh October wind.

© 2013 soul mary

Moon Revisited

I know I have poemed a few times about the Moon, and here it pops up again, this time as part of the October daily meme at Kristjaan’s blog

Carpe Diem #05 Moon

Image Credit: Rebecca Barray

Wolfs howl at the moon

Eternity bonds their bones

Space enmeshes us

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

For other poems on moon click here, here, here and here 🙂


For the World’s Animal Day, Carpe Diem #04 Animal

Image: E. Penchev
Image: E. Penchev










Curled in curiosity

Stunned by evil

Soul and heart as mine

© 2012 soulmary


September Heights #27 – Footprint

Image Credit: MargaterR


footprint in concrete

pointing to my future

soul victimized by art

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

How we make history

three-word-wednesday, Feb 1st, 2012, Wed.


Join us to see
how we make history
by making movies
that move.

We detach soul
from the heart
And mind from the brain.

Next, we make the pony
jolt and hop
as high as he can
as fast as it’s possible
or reasonable.

Soul surges,
mind the height
of the ceiling;
And the blindness
of your mind.

Picture is detached from sound
The tape jolts inside that magical machine
All audience is standing
Spirit surges
And applause

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

and so again I wait for muses

there is my Muse: here. and that is what I did to блесна – пред погледа, в сърцето й и пред света:

1. supremacy
2. the feeling or idea that one is superior to others
3. th flng r d tht n s sprr t thrs
4. thrust newspaper redhot flung thought
5. toss press icy thrown senseless
6. a soul frozen and opressed
7. my soul is frozen
opressed by senses void
tossed beneath my mind
8. supremacy of mind

Моето хайку е:

supremacy of mind

my soul is frozen

opressed by senses void

tossed beneath my mind

Това е!