Autumn Tan Renga Challenge at the end of August

For this Tan Renga Challenge, we had to take an original piece by Santoka Taneda (Tr. John Stevens) and add a second 14-syllable stanza to it.
Here is the final piece:

Autumn heat –
my begging bowl
is full of rice.

The breeze is rich with joy from
summer memories and thoughts.

The prompt was given by Kristjaan at his blog for haiku and Japanese poetry.

A Flower at Night

a flower at night
drops its head in reverie
of warm mother earth

(c) 2018, MK

My humble haiku was written as a response to this week’s Carpe Diem Weekend Meditation #14 – Revise that Haiku. Here is the original piece I considered while writing my own. And on Chevrefeuille’s prompt blog site you can read the background story in detail:

falling to the ground
a flower closer to the root
bidding farewell

© Matsuo Basho (Tr. Jane Reichhold)

Tan Renga – Where Have You Been So Far?

Hey, I’ve never known creating Tan Renga was such fun. You learn as you live, quite clearly. My friend, Chevrefeuille, regularly posts challenges and prompts at his awesome blog site, and today, I finally paid attention to this new thing for me. If you need explanation and guidance, you’d better visit his post. And here are my two contributions:

Tan Renga Challenge at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai
Tan Renga #1337
Tan Renga Challenge #1337 – “in the fields”

white poppy
it must have bloomed
from a wintry shower

in a hurry before springtime
has donned it with scarlet.

(c) 2017, Basho and MK

ancient warriors ghosts
mists over the foreign highlands –
waiting for the full moon

the field will find its
forgotten army of tall grass.

(c) 2017, Chevrefeuille and MK

No Time to Waste, haiku

Waste no time
Image from Carpe Diem Blog Site

No Time To Waste

A drop with a thousand
colours of light –
Frozen in the winter world.

(c) 2017, Mariya Koleva

I have long been absent from my friend’s haiku prompt blog, Carpe Diem Haiku Kai, but today’s haiku was written for his prompt #1332 No Time To Waste, taking inspiration from one thousand spectacular nuances of the water drop magnificence. Smiles.


My friend, Kristjaan, hosting the wonderful blog of Carpe Diem Haiku, is never tired. He offers daily, weekly and seasonal prompts. He holds contests, features many translated haiku and great pics. His blog is a great resource of information and support. Although this is not a classical haiku, because it has “my tears” in it, I wrote it after his Little Creatures prompt. Visit his haiku meme blog here. You may decide to join. Who knows what might come.

Carpe Diem, Little Things #19 – Violet

violet flowers
Image credit: Wallpapers Tube

My tears will remain
in place to breathe the beauty
of a violet bloom.

© MK 2015


Carpe Diem – haiku series

Here are some haiku written for several of the Carpe Diem daily prompts. It has been exactly a year since the blog was started by my haiku friend, Kristjaan and it has been a year during which my life changed a lot. I graduated, defended my thesis, lost my work, found a new one and… Well, you know what I mean.

Image: mararda
Image: mararda

#308 – Salmon

Silver glitter fast
Beyond the rainbow river
Sweet feast hugging home.

#309 – Bananaplant

In yellow softness
Rampant mild and honey-like –
Dreaming memory.

#310 – Dew Frost

Tears fall early
All night weeping listlessly.
Tears into growth.

©2013 Mariya Koleva

Chrysanthemum Festival With Geese

**Carpe Diem #306 – Chrysanthemum Festival**

Disheveled head up
Winking in autumn humour
Eyes and hearts at feast.

Image by: sampok
Image by: sampok

**Carpe Diem #307 – Goose**

Flocks straying away
To the far wilderness
Waving high goodbye.

©2013 Mariya Koleva

Willows And Their Leaf-Fall

Once again, it’s fall. It’s a bit annoying I do my best and most vigorous poeming in autumn, yet, that is the situation.

willow leaf-fall
Image: theblindalley

Carpe Diem #304 – Willow Leaves Fall

Branches weeping low
River flows remorselessly
Farewell to colour.

© 2013 Mariya Koleva

Wind Storm

We continue with the Carpe Diem very rich prompts. They keep on coming, I can hardly catch up.

field dividing wind
Image credit: werol

Carpe Diem #302 – Windstorm

Wind bears my soul
Grinding and scraping the field
Outside the window.

© 2013 Mariya Koleva

Harvest Moon

There are process notes with this one.

– While on lunch break, I couldn’t come up with a haiku. The first poem is the one I wrote. Later, when I came home and sat down to post, I decided to edit my original poem a bit, but hated to lose any of the images I had, so I turned it into two haiku. Maybe not the best result, but I believe it is good enough.

Image credit: Hartmut Lerch

Carpe Diem #301 – Harvest Moon

Blowing the winds of reality
autumn reminds of itself –
paradise of yellowness.
Come closer and feed your vision.

Blowing the winds of
reality, autumn is
so full of itself.

Paradise of moon,
yellowness will come closer
Feeding your vision

© 2013 Mariya Koleva