Moon Revisited

I know I have poemed a few times about the Moon, and here it pops up again, this time as part of the October daily meme at Kristjaan’s blog

Carpe Diem #05 Moon

Image Credit: Rebecca Barray

Wolfs howl at the moon

Eternity bonds their bones

Space enmeshes us

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

For other poems on moon click here, here, here and here 🙂

Author: soul mary

Writer, poet and reader

6 thoughts on “Moon Revisited”

  1. What a nice haiku on moon … and I have some wonderful other haiku on moon written by you Mariya. The moon is … an inspiration source and SHE is worth that, She is really the Queen of the Night and Wolfs howl at her, because they love her too … Her love is forever.
    Really I like this haiku.

    together again
    the moon and her howling wolfs –
    autumn departs


  2. Your beautiful haiku sounds wonderfully.
    First the Earth connected to the moon through wolfs, then Eternity joining bones, finally Space involving us : all the Universe and beyond here.
    Best haiku about the moon I have read.

  3. Lovely words to evoke a lovely moon. I enjoyed the last line in particular. Thoughtfully done!!

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