Harvest Moon

There are process notes with this one.

– While on lunch break, I couldn’t come up with a haiku. The first poem is the one I wrote. Later, when I came home and sat down to post, I decided to edit my original poem a bit, but hated to lose any of the images I had, so I turned it into two haiku. Maybe not the best result, but I believe it is good enough.

Image credit: Hartmut Lerch

Carpe Diem #301 – Harvest Moon

Blowing the winds of reality
autumn reminds of itself –
paradise of yellowness.
Come closer and feed your vision.

Blowing the winds of
reality, autumn is
so full of itself.

Paradise of moon,
yellowness will come closer
Feeding your vision

© 2013 Mariya Koleva

Waiting Evening

Carpe Diem #300 – Waiting Evening

the waiting evening before the full harvest moon
Image credits: Carpe Diem Blog

Stars blink amidst clouds
All gazes hushed in thrill
Harvest Moon fulfills us.

© 2013 Mariya Koleva

Linked to Carpe Diem Haiku Meme Blog.

Moon Revisited

I know I have poemed a few times about the Moon, and here it pops up again, this time as part of the October daily meme at Kristjaan’s blog

Carpe Diem #05 Moon

Image Credit: Rebecca Barray

Wolfs howl at the moon

Eternity bonds their bones

Space enmeshes us

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

For other poems on moon click here, here, here and here 🙂

Creation and Death

September Heights #15 – Creation


The stiff awareness

Of blinking and swallowing

Cherry tree in bloom 


Crescent moon weeping

Sad and mournful of the time

When stars will not shine


Night in the orchard

Bats whoosh to and fro in search

They hear the future

© soulmary

Hush and Bathe in Beams

September Heights #04 – Moon at the Haiku Heights dominion:

Moon bleakly facing
Silent garden all in bloom
Hush and bathe in beams. 

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

Colour, September Heights #02

Today’s contribution to the Haiku Heights refreshing monthly event: September Heights #02 – Colour

Colour forgets me
in shadow where only
tints play on the moonbeams.

 © 2012 Mariya Koleva

Moon… again

Poets United, Thursday Think Tank #87 – Moon

[Image courtesy: Poets United]

I used to go
by the name
of Selena
in my most
private notebooks.

I used to dream of
living up there

and doing some job
whatever there is
that I
get assigned.

That idea had come
from a book

or the books
I was reading
back then –
I was thirteen.

Yet, the moon was too boring
I thought later on.
Can’t even imagine
in fact
living on it.

There’s no sun as we know it,
There’s no air,
or green grass or parks

to just stroll in.
Not work in, mind you. 

Close all the blinds
And dream of the sunlight!
Clearly, the important work
I had to be doing
up there,

had worn me off
while I had been growing

So, my girl named Selena
stayed way behind
on those notebooks
that are all hidden

a black plastic bag
along with some other
disturbingly teenage stuff.

More twists of years passed
and new girls appeared,
their eyes – so beautiful and clear,
who tempted me
out of my gloom.

I readily opened my windeye –
and I saw the Moon.

© 2012 Mariya Koleva


The pale face of the Moon

My brilliant poetic friend Miskmask wrote a brilliant small stone for today, 6th January. Here is my response:

I love the moon and its pale face
The risk of sun exposure
could put her skin to waste.

©2012 Mariya Koleva

The Super Moon is Rising

The biggest moon for the last 18 years is about to be seen on our sky tonight! Will it drive us crazy, or bring havoc and confusion to nature and wildlife? Or is it just a super-celebration for all Pagan and Wiccan traditions, who relate the Moon to all significant natural occurences?


The rising moon

will haunt us,

its SUPERbness whispering,

till we step aside

and wonder, silently,

in SUPER-awe,

at its perfection

and lucidity.


© 2011 Mariya Koleva