Poets United, Thursday Think Tank #87 – Moon
[Image courtesy: Poets United]
I used to go
by the name
of Selena
in my most
private notebooks.
I used to dream of
living up there
and doing some job
whatever there is
of importance
that I get assigned.
That idea had come
from a book
or the books
I was reading
back then –
When I was thirteen.
Yet, the moon was too boring
I thought later on.
Can’t even imagine
in fact “living” on it.
There’s no sun as we know it,
There’s no air,
or green grass or parks
to just stroll in.
Not work in, mind you.
Close all the blinds
And dream of the sunlight!
Clearly, the important work
I had to be doing up there,
had worn me off
while I had been growing.
So, my girl named Selena
stayed way behind
on those notebooks
that are all hidden
a black plastic bag
along with some other
disturbingly teenage stuff.
More twists of years passed
and new girls appeared,
their eyes – so beautiful and clear,
who tempted me
out of my gloom.
I readily opened my windeye –
and I saw the Moon.
© 2012 Mariya Koleva
I like this, it has a great sci-fi feel to it and some wonderful imagery – love ‘slapped me to be real’
This has a wonderfully well thought out dream feel to it!
Thanks for stopping by my too!!
This actually has a very disturbing quality for me, as I have a really strong sense of a kind of naivete attacked. (You know with the slapping from what feels a bit like a girl gang.) Certainly, this happens–and then the distance of the moon may feel welcome. Interesting poem. K.
Thanks a lot:
Average poet – indeed, it has to do with sci-fi reading 🙂
Poetry road – and it has to do with dreams!
Manicddaily – oh, you found girl gangs, so I had to alter the poem a bit. That was a mistake of mine 🙂