Verse of Today or Tomorrow

After rolling the previous chain of verse, my poem took a different path and I followed, of course. What with the recent high-school drama my teenager has been witnessing at school, I suppose, the following simply came natural.

Unrestricted Verse of Today and Tomorrow

Gossip abundant
Idleness unbound
Check your own wonders –
can’t see them around.

Wonders will wander
with nothing to stop them.
So, bullies will ponder
whether to curb them.

Bullies, not heroes –
the children today.
We step aside, crushed.
Shall we watch or run away?

© 2024, soulmary

Rolling Verse of Autumn, Love and Colour

These days, I haven’t had enough time or inspiration to sit down and poem. But I had both the time and inspiration to look out of the window and admire the beauty outside. Verse came rolling smoothly in my mind, and I took and old-fashioned pen and notebook to put them down. Here is the first bunch – celebrating autumn and my love.

** Autumn and Love **

I’ve nothing to say
and nothing to do,
but stare at the clouds
and think of you.

Every day awesome
with some blossom new.
Autumn trees are so gorgeous
and so are you!

** Autumn and Colour **

Yellow with sunshine
Brown without smile
Red for the anger
All barren and wild.

© 2024, soulmary

My Dream Was of the Rain

One more! I’m unstoppable. As is usual for the middle of the week. So, here are six words prompted by Robert at the wonderful Write Better Poetry previously known as Poetic Asides under #717. And below is my poem.


My dream was of the rain
It would fall during spring and fall
My window would remain open
letting the tree peek inside
my own soul.

© 2024, soulmary

September Poem

Day 10.2 of April PAD – More Poetry

My poetry
Reminds me of me
Thirty years ago with Daddy.

The poetry
we used to read to each other,
arguing, explaining…
in short – showing the love.

©2024, soulmary

My Flowing Verse Will Hear Your Heart

Flowing with the current
my flowing verse.

Can you or can’t you
do it yourself
dye it in your favourite colour?

Hear it say
‘I love you.’

Flow, my versatile verse,
canning the can that is doing to do.

Hearts and souls are abundant
for you.

© 2024, soulmary

An amazing prompt today, at Three Things Challenge #M604 – Flowers / Candy / Hearts. Truly deserving the attention in the spirit of today. I am not a fan of this holiday, as it was introduced in my country later and somewhat artificially. Anyway, love is the most important thing in life and it has to be celebrated day in, day out. Celebrate and enjoy other poems at the original prompt site above.

Note – Line – Hope – Life

Note for note
I draw a line
to dream
or break the bleakness
that I feel.

Inspired by the nothing
abiding at my door,
I step and wiggle
hoping there’s more
to life
than meets the eye.

© 2024, soulmary

The Chained Bird – Sunday Whirl 637

The ribbon goes well on the neck
of the chained bird,
radiating a shaft of blessing
despite the key and the veil
drawn on the cage.

The ribbon is like a mantra –
studded with beads like wisdom.
Looking like scars,
they are simply garnish
bound to make the chain speak beauty
instead of scream slavery.

Breaking free will leave scars
that will need snitches.
But shall we care
if that’s the price for leaving
the grounds of despair?

(c) soulmary, 2024

Written for one of my favourite prompt sites – the Sunday Whirl and you can check some great poetry at their site, too.

Exaggerated – Day 25, November Poem-A-Day

Hateful and wishful to cut all links
to teasers and trolls;

Live-streaming to fear from the rat race
chasing the thunder;

Peaceful indulgence for cherry-pie loves
and all the accompanying college-girl spite
tires me out-of-the-worldly
bringing the cosmos together on this very plate just under my nose.

© Mariya K, 2020

Process notes: I suppose, with the month’s end coming, I get more tired of poeming seriously. So, this is just a playful word weaving.

A Trap – Day 6, April PAD

Yesterday morning, I saw
the beautiful beta fish on top of the fish tank
How? Why?

Lying there, hardly breathing
The superb colourful fish that draws
everyone’s look onto itself
with all its gorgeousness
was simply lying there,
in the middle of the glass roof,
far from any opening,
under the hot lights –
on the brink of death.

Was the fish tank too small?
Did it feel like a trap?
So silent and listless,
the fish isn’t inclined to chat.

©2020, forestlove