Gloss, Haiku

September Heights #09 – Gloss


October morning

Frost is crisp on flower lips

Gloss remains till spring


Gloss remains till spring

Though those flowers perish fast

Crispy frost stays on


Crispy frost stays on

Flowers bloom on icy glass

Varied shapes and size


Varied shapes and size

Snowflakes swirl in mist outside

Windows sparkle gloss


Windows sparkle gloss

It comes upon a morning

Early October


© 2012 Mariya Koleva



small stone #30

By God, the month is almost over and still no #amwriting done in any serious way. That is how you may know that I had a lot of work to do and that I executed numerous responsible and serious business things on my agenda. For instance, I flew to Finland and back, went to a job interview and a written test, sat for three exams from my regular exam session, and handed in three of the five assignments due for this semester. Around all that, there was a lot of travelling done, where I did not lose touch with home thanks to the wonderful B-day present I got from my baby and his family. Apart from travelling, I visited a couple of universities, ex-employers and such, I renewed old friendships and heard from ex-fellow-students and colleauges. I rummaged in a black plastic bag, containing all I had received from my parents’ place after it was sold. That brought me a nice afternoon of sweet and bitter memories. Unfortunately, I did not find there what I needed. Moreover, I found that it contained only about one third of what was mine in that place. That place is the one which appears in my dreams, when I dream, of “home”.

The small stone for the River of Stones of today is:

“Snow and frost, still sunny. The way I wanted it. Now I reconsider, but there is no taking back the weather.”

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

small stone of the ninth

hm, it was an office that i saw. i looked at its freezing windows and my breath cut the air in two. pyramid climb – that was what it looked like to mend the a/c. a pile of chairs over a table, in other words.

Normal poem – more of Nov PAD, Day 8

Day 8 called for “normal” poem as well. Here is the “paranormal” one. And below is the new poem:


The chill outside the window
is well-sealed-off.
Mastery of woodwork.

© 2011 Mariya Koleva

Para/Normal poem – Nov PAD, Day 8

NovPAD Day 8 has Two for Tuesday: 1. paranormal poem and 2. normal poem. The following poem is one type, though I’m not exactly sure which.


The chill outside
oozes imperceptibly
through window glass,
transcends my view;
I hear it in the cellar
where it whispers
sotto voce;
I sense it in my
get numb with hunger
and with frost
beyond myself.

© 2011 Mariya Koleva

WINTER – Haiku Heights, Day 17

Haiku Heights Sept Challenge, not that I am even nearly up to it. Day 17:


Frost bites us crazy
Till we forget our names and towns
Craze dulling us deep down.

© 2011 Mariya Koleva