small stone #30

By God, the month is almost over and still no #amwriting done in any serious way. That is how you may know that I had a lot of work to do and that I executed numerous responsible and serious business things on my agenda. For instance, I flew to Finland and back, went to a job interview and a written test, sat for three exams from my regular exam session, and handed in three of the five assignments due for this semester. Around all that, there was a lot of travelling done, where I did not lose touch with home thanks to the wonderful B-day present I got from my baby and his family. Apart from travelling, I visited a couple of universities, ex-employers and such, I renewed old friendships and heard from ex-fellow-students and colleauges. I rummaged in a black plastic bag, containing all I had received from my parents’ place after it was sold. That brought me a nice afternoon of sweet and bitter memories. Unfortunately, I did not find there what I needed. Moreover, I found that it contained only about one third of what was mine in that place. That place is the one which appears in my dreams, when I dream, of “home”.

The small stone for the River of Stones of today is:

“Snow and frost, still sunny. The way I wanted it. Now I reconsider, but there is no taking back the weather.”

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

My small stone of 5th Jan

Hello there! Waving from the sunny coast with another small stone for the River of Stones.

“driving seems to be all-present these days. as does the sun. and the brilliance of the weather… hoping that will last some more days. thought i saw a blooming bush along the road. turned out to be something else. still, it feels like spring. oh, how i want spring to come…”

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

Small stone for 3rd Jan

Yet, another sunny small stone in the River of Stones:

“Drove 100 km to and back. Field covered in snow, no crows, no traffic. Just the white glistening in the sun. Destination white and quiet. Warm rooms filled with people working away in peace. No students, no noise, no tension over exam grades. Just the warm heating inside the room. Just smiles and “Happy-New-Year-to-yous”.”

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

My small stone of 1st Jan. 2012

OK, it is already 2012 and I am setting off on a River of Stones.

Before writing my small stone, I will wish each and every one of my blogging, writing, reading and loving friends joy, love, good luck, and a lot of success in the year 2012!

Here is the small stone:

“The sun caresses my eyelashes behind the window, but going out, I regret not putting on a hat. Further down the street, I start regretting not taking a thicker shawl. When on the children’s playground, I regret I went out in the first place.”

© 2012 Mariya Koleva