Dear Mr. Rain, Day 17

NaPoWriMo, Day 17

Being Poetry – Rain – epistolary with particulars

Dear Mr. Rain,
how long until you hold your reins
and tie your whirls around the tides
below the ocean rocks where lies
your precious treasure? 

You spill your thunders and your bolts
along the Chestnut boulevard
where oranges unbridled roll
and wallow in the shallow pools
unwanted and uncared for. 

You splash all over our roof
and wash the house of its neglect
thus washing off its innocence
that rainy dryness had erect. 

And then I stand and watch and muse
Just as I did some years ago
To see the tenderest abuse
You come, hurray
and off you go! 

Haiku Heights – Wonder

2. Haiku Heights – Wonder 

I wonder, silent

I am amazed and mute

At mountain grandeur

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

Author: soul mary

Writer, poet and reader

10 thoughts on “Dear Mr. Rain, Day 17”

  1. We like to give nature human characteristics – Mr.Rain… Fickle man about the town.
    I like you haiku too. I am enchanted with the waterfalls of mountains. Grandeur indeed.

  2. The haiku is excellent, but it’s your poem today that captured my imagination. Well done!

  3. Mr. Rain is ticking my window right now. I love this extended metaphor/personification.

  4. Thanks to:

    Jules – glad you enjoyed them both.

    Misky – thanks for taking the time.

    Patty – my opinion exactly.

    carol – they do, indeed.

    becca – glad you love them, too.

    Maxie – thanks for the comment and the ReTweet!

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