Forgive in Day 7

Here is my seventh daily contribution to the Poetry Month challenge and celebration! So far, I have managed to keep my pace and hope to have the strength to do so for the remaining three weeks.

The prompt on which I poem today comes from the Haiku Heights and is Forgive.

Forgive the rain that

Falls over the sea but not

On your thirsty field.


© Mariya Koleva

Image taken from here.


Author: soul mary

Writer, poet and reader

11 thoughts on “Forgive in Day 7”

  1. Great one Mariya, lovely picture too. Your haiku is so true. And there is a deeper meaning in it. Thank you for sharing.


  2. wow. so simply put. its really difficult thing to do . may be I learn from the sea as to what it doesnt have ….that the gods of rain pour more water on it …

  3. i take a bow.. most of us never even observed that. and now you pen a haiku that so beautifully makes us remember this fact and also it’s elemental innocence. yes, it should be forgiven.

    thank you for this haiku. so much. 🙂

  4. I enjoyed your haiku. It is hard to understand the ways of nature sometimes. The rain on the ocean seems so much less important than some for parched fields. Well done.

  5. This is how it is.. many years ago I wrote..

    Clouds become rough
    Where water is enough
    ‘Water, water” deserts cry
    But then they remain dry..

    I liked the way you put forgiveness here.. well done.


  6. Thanks to:

    Grace – glad you enjoyed it.

    Chevrefeuille – deep as the sea 😉

    Diana – perhaps divine strength. I don’t have it 🙂

    debu – I agree it is hard, nigh impossible.

    Jayanth – “elemental innocence” indeed. What a clever reflection! Thanks 🙂

    Ellecee – I agree. And real (ideal) forgiveness comes even if we don’t understand. Maybe it’s similar to faith, that you have without being certain of a fact. Thanks for the helpful comment 🙂

    Ramesh – yeah, mine is simply another perspective 🙂

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