Dear Mr. Rain, Day 17

NaPoWriMo, Day 17

Being Poetry – Rain – epistolary with particulars

Dear Mr. Rain,
how long until you hold your reins
and tie your whirls around the tides
below the ocean rocks where lies
your precious treasure? 

You spill your thunders and your bolts
along the Chestnut boulevard
where oranges unbridled roll
and wallow in the shallow pools
unwanted and uncared for. 

You splash all over our roof
and wash the house of its neglect
thus washing off its innocence
that rainy dryness had erect. 

And then I stand and watch and muse
Just as I did some years ago
To see the tenderest abuse
You come, hurray
and off you go! 

Haiku Heights – Wonder

2. Haiku Heights – Wonder 

I wonder, silent

I am amazed and mute

At mountain grandeur

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

Doubt, no doubt…

NaPoWriMo, Day 4

1. Haiku Heights – Doubt

A bird in a bush
Blossoms fragrant, warbling spills
No doubt in her heart


No doubt in her heart
But the pure stifling cold of red


Exasperation –
Insanity’s middle name
A bird in a bush.

2. Being Poetry – Uproar 

Two boys and a girl
Their parents –
Friends from teenage
Trying to make up for
Time so long
Trying to cast a bridge

Two boys and a girl –
Clatter, clamour
Crush and break
Toys around
Below and above
You step on them
Silence is forbidden 

Two boys and a girl
Trying to cast a bridge

Parents too tired to mind
Too happy to reproach
Too deaf to hear.

3. Poetic Asides – 100% something

You are 100% awesome!
I’m 100% there for you!
Are those eyes of yours
100% green?
Or I am only
100% taken in?
100% stunning –
that’s how I see you
100% stupefied –
that’s how I get
when I finally see you
for looking at you
blinds me

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

Social skills are important, Poem a Day #3

NaPoWriMo, Day 3

1. Being Poetry present a challenging prompt. I really love such prompts. To write my poem I had to take the book that was closest to me (it happened to be a non-fiction work entitled Talent Management) and take a random fragment from page 17, another from page 33, and one final fragment from page 58, and then use these fragments to create a poem. Title with the originating book’s title.

First, here are the fragments:
p17 Social skills are important
p33 Do you see the link with the previous diagram?
p58 … the importance of each for every individual.


“Social skills are so important.” my mom just said.
“And they define you in a group.”
That was my father who popped in
After a long day at work. 

Define me in a group,
I repeated to myself and then moved on
to see if the mirror could help me. 

“Sis, I drew some pictures here. Aren’t they cool?”
My brother winked a secret whisper.
His funny sketches came just in time
To make away my gloomy mood. 

“Do you see the link with the previous diagram?”
My mom somehow had made it after me
Before the mirror, which was all criss-crossed with ‘toons. 

My father next, amused and munching, popped in again,
Admiring my brother’s sketches and my mother’s calm
He came and gently put a hand upon my head,
a laugh of loving on his lips, along with breadcrumbs. 

“Yes, now I see my definition in a group.
All sketches and the diagrams,
as well as the importance of each and every one of them
for every individual.” I said with clever wink. 

2. Haiku Heights – Harbour


Gulls screech, swish, zig-zag
Waves rock, roll, swell, hollow, crush
Ships glide in as kings. 

© 2012 Mariya Koleva