“What I love about…” – Wednesday Prompt by Robert

It is Wed. again, for the last time before November PAD Challenge, and Robert has one more prompt for us. Here it is.

And here is my poem:

Image credit: Rebecca Barray

What I love about the forest
Is that it is always young,
It will always offer shelter,
Sometimes it will offer danger.

It will always be
               so dark,
               so green,
               so soft,
               so hard …
So everything,
That I won’t tire of its diversity.


Това, което ме пленява във гората,
е тази нейна вечна младост,
това, че винаги ни дава сянка,
понякога дори е страшна.

Тя винаги е
                    тъй тъмна
                    тъй зелена
                    тъй мека
                   тъй корава…
Тя толкова е всякаква,
че не мога да й се наситя.

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

Also posted at Poetry Jam – Where is your forest?

Author: soul mary

Writer, poet and reader

13 thoughts on ““What I love about…” – Wednesday Prompt by Robert”

  1. smiles…i like your verse….the forest is always the same but always different you know…there is comfort in it being there but also in teh new growth taht is always coming or the fresh new leaves or…thanks for taking us there…

  2. Ah yes, one can always find different things in the forest. One will never tire of it. Glad you are jamming.

  3. I never thought of a forest as ‘always being young’ … I will now.

  4. Thanks to:

    brian – smiles…

    Mary – exactly!

    helen – glad to have inspired you 😉

    laurie – diversity is my favourite quality

    Daydreamertoo – I’m happy you enjoyed it!

    Loredana – “alluring” is a nice description! Thanks 🙂

  5. After reading a number of this week’s poems, I’m thinking the forest is one of those rare things that can be everything to everyone…very nice!

  6. Gorgeous!! I love the list bit in the end so very impacting and really points to a deep love and respect. Great poem, Mariya!!

  7. Lovely poem! I’m so bad about checking Robert’s site. Sometimes he has the best prompts, doesn’t he. Bulgarian is close to the Russian I learnt as a child. I can make out some words…nice for me that you included the translated poem. 🙂

    1. Veronica, thanks for visiting! And I’m happy to hear you have learnt Russian. Yes, they are rather close in vocabulary, and, of course, both using the Cyrillic alphabet 🙂

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