
“Connections are everything” sets the spirit of the poetic prompt at the Poetry Jam this week. This week is also my first participation there, and I am headed to make it count πŸ˜‰

Love Poem, (by the way)

Connect with me
Through that thought line
That keeps us both
Awake and waiting
At both ends of the phone line.Β 

Relay to me
Through that hectic confusion
Caused by our sleepless
Caustic mornings after.
Devoid of touching you.
And haunted by frustrated dreams.Β 

Relate to me
Using that old-fashioned
Bunch of flowers
That will invariably die
Uncared for,
On the kitchen table
Where I tossed them
Before I tossed myself
Into your armsΒ 

Forgetting thoughts
and phones
and dreams.Β 

Get touched
And stay connected!Β 

Β© 2012 Mariya Koleva

Image courtesy: The Poetry Jam web site

Author: soul mary

Writer, poet and reader

11 thoughts on “Connecting…”

  1. Ahhh Long distance love can be so fulfilling and yet, leave us so wanting.
    What a lovely read. Great imagery. πŸ™‚

  2. Lovely connection poem! And thank you for coming by Poetry Jam. I hope you will return!

  3. smiles…i love the intimacy in this…and the many ways too that we try to make it happen…be it the phone calls or flowers….but nothing compares to that actual touch….well done…

  4. Thanks to:

    Daydreamertoo – you are so right!
    JInksy – thanks for the appreciation!
    Mary – I always enjoy your analysis. Sometimes they make me realise things I’d not been aware of.
    Peggy – I sure hope so, too.
    Grace – thanks for reading!
    David – I’m glad you enjoyed it.
    brian – thanks for the visit! and smiles back to you.
    Hannah – thanks for the nice words!

  5. Margaret – thanks a lot! Yeah, the poem does not reflect my real life situation πŸ˜‰ Yet, I still have memories of such days… and nights.

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