NovPAD – Days 5 to 7

Wow, wow, wow – the time when I could do my regular daily word count for NaNoWriMo and produce at least one poem for the November PAD chapbook have passed! I remember that in 2011 I did all that in spite of travelling every weekend for my latest Master program at university where I wrote in a notebook by hand, copying everything on my PC later. Then, in 2013, I had a full-time job and a very young child. Yet, I did all. While this year… I do mainly catching up. Fortunately, the three poetry prompts I skipped are related so I could pen down a single poem for the period. Love/anti-love, advice and frustration. Related, they are, aren’t they? Enjoy!

Beginning with love
We stroll carelessly along that beautiful river
Which brings us all joy and splendour.

Elders will nag for days on end
Their boring advice about the risk of drowning,
The danger of getting our hearts and souls
Stolen by the splendid river pirates.

After love has left to play with a new cast of actors
And a stage which is a world apart from us,
We are left with the frustration
That grannies and aunties were right,
After all.

And there – the play ends in the bitter
Anti-love mood.
The river is just a muddy swamp
Which sank our youth
And beauty and dreams to its monstrous
Ugly bottom.

© 2024, soulmary

Rolling Verse of Autumn, Love and Colour

These days, I haven’t had enough time or inspiration to sit down and poem. But I had both the time and inspiration to look out of the window and admire the beauty outside. Verse came rolling smoothly in my mind, and I took and old-fashioned pen and notebook to put them down. Here is the first bunch – celebrating autumn and my love.

** Autumn and Love **

I’ve nothing to say
and nothing to do,
but stare at the clouds
and think of you.

Every day awesome
with some blossom new.
Autumn trees are so gorgeous
and so are you!

** Autumn and Colour **

Yellow with sunshine
Brown without smile
Red for the anger
All barren and wild.

© 2024, soulmary

The Language of Flowers – Day 11.1 of April PAD

To my loving husband

All the flowers I can pick
in a garden or the field
won’t suffice for you to see
how I do about you feel.

All the beauty in the world
can’t be hidden in a word,
nor a picture or a sound –
my affection’s so profound.

So to you, my loving flies
carried on her flower wings,
brings the cups of godly bliss –
that which you and I will drink.

©2020, forestlove

I planned to write a poem that spoke of a message given by a particular flower. That was the prompt at NaPoWriMo web site. You know that type of message, a coded one. Let’s say “Giving you a yellow rose” would be a code for “I envy you”, or was it “I am jealous”.

Anyway, at the end, I couldn’t decide, moreover the codes are not the same universally. The said yellow rose, for example, means “friendship” in the English world, while I have always known of it as a symbol of envy or jealousy or hatred. And so it happened that I couldn’t stick to the prompt exactly, but I decided to write an old-fashioned rhyming love poem. One has to write one of these sometimes.

Day 20 – Two for Tuesday

This day’s two for Tuesday is to write a Love poem or an Anti-love poem. I chose to write a poem about my opinion on “anti-love”.


I can never speak to you anti-love, girl
For love is all that can help you
When you’re down
All you can lean on and look up to
When you lose ground

Even in ages and millennia to come
I can never be anti-love.

Wake Up, Shake It Off

A Sour Love Poem

Going with my fingers through your greasy hair,
I remembered how much I wanted to touch you
in spring
how much I desired your lips
in the rainy afternoons while walking to my private composition lessons.

Seeing the hellish grin on your new girlfriend’s face,
I felt as if a thin blade went through my body
very thin and very cold
at the same time burning me
with shame
and filthy disgust.

The moment of waking ignited my rage
very short-lived rage
which died in indifference
Because the waking was real.

© 2015, MK

Note: These were written for this week’s prompt at Three Word Wednesday: Greasy, Hellish, Ignite

Am Writing: What’s the Big Idea?

Am Writing, Your Eyes
To my loving husband, E.

The lovely eyes of love
The lovely eyes of my love

Am writing about the light in your eyes
which I know of
but rarely do take the time
to stop and stare at,
to sweetly think of.

Am writing about the
gross embarrassment I trudge through
whenever I come back to all
I miss because of all that misses me.

© 2015 Mariya Koleva

Another Love Poem

It is that time again and I post a Love poem. Below my fresh piece, you will find links to other love-themed ones.

April Poem-A-Day 15 – Love Poem

love poem
Image by CelticBeauty

I’ve found you
and I grabbed
and held you tight.

To never let you go.

©2014 Mariya Koleva

Here are some other Love poems I have written: a wordle, a November PAD Poem from nearly four years ago, another poem written for the same challenge, and a Talk-back-to-a-dead-poet one written for November PAD 2012 where I talk back to E.A. Poe.

If You…

Poetic Asides, Wednesday prompt #240 – If You…
coffee in the morning
If You Simply Walk Away

If you simply walk away
without any explanations or
tearful and hysterical conversations
over a hectic cup of coffee
shamelessly early in the morning,

no one would recognize you –
the boy with soft approach
and gentle sway,
the one who looks people
always in the eyes
and likes to talk things out.

So, I guess, you are not going to
simply walk away
in such a crazy manner.

©2013 Mariya Koleva

The prompt can be found here, along with a lot of other great poems.


It’s a shame I don’t take part in Wordsmith Studio’s Creative Prompts more often. Here I come, though, this week. The prompt is Support.

WSS Creative Prompt: Support, 03.10.2013

Bridge Support
Image: WSS website

The wind was so high,
sand was getting everywhere,
Towels had to be pressed with shoes,
or bags
or our heavy bodies.

Our parasol was on the beach,
one of many –
red, and yellow sections.

We couldn’t raise our heads
as sand was everywhere.
The parasol just flew
slump over a couple lying nearby.

Children were screaming with excitement
or who knows what.

Who will ever know?
I needed you to hold that parasol,
to hold my hand,
to press my shoulder to the
sand-covered towel
and stop my bathing top
from following the parasol.

© 2013 Mariya Koleva

Evening Faces

My poetry friend, Kristjaan Panneman from the Carpe Diem haiku blog, has an interesting prompt for haiku lovers. We are supposed to read a poem, get inspired by it and create our own haiku. I found the story behind, and the poem itself really attractive and intriguing. To cut the long story short, go over there and see for yourself. Krisjaan has a magnificent way to introduce prompts, I really love his presentations.

Here is my haiku:

carpe diem haiku blog logo***
Carpe Diem – Distillation #2

My eyes believe not
Her face is on the pyre
Evening sky falls apart.

© 2013 Mariya Koleva