For the Waves Crashing at the Shore

Image by Dimitris Vetsikas from Pixabay

For the Waves

That crashed near the shore all day.
It’s near summer’s end. No risk of over sun exposure –
Just the risk of regretting the insufficiency thereof.

I lay on a chair, all day, facing the waves
that curled, rolled, thundered, whitened
and crashed in billions of snow-white drops
that stole rainbow shine during their erratic flight.

The wave crests are like the snow hurrying
with terrible might down the mountain hill –
an avalanche where whipped cream breaks
in multiple white particles, dust-like,
and sparkling off with rainbow shine over their frightening fall.

(c) MK, 2019

Written for Poetic Asides, Wednesday Prompt #495 – For …

Coherent, Day 12

Haiku Heights – Coherent. I already wrote a haiku on waves, which are the perfect example of coherence for me. So, naturally, I had to relate the new haiku to the old one. In case you are curious about it, you can read my Waves Haiku HERE.

And this is the new one:

In fact, sea waves are

The image of coherence

Perfection in physics.

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

Waves haiku for Day 5

Yesterday, I somehow failed to post a link at Haiku Heights, which is one of the main sites whose prompts I follow. That’s why today, I hurry and here it is:

1. Haiku Heights – Waves

Rolling, swelling waves

Come to peace in piece of foam

Magical physics.

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

the hungry waves, magpie 95

Here we go again, with the great graphic prompts my Magpie. This is No. 95:


the hungry waves
and their shrill voices,
their clinging teeth
that prick your bosom
will melt away;

no boat to sway
you in its gentle lap
until forgetful minds
caress the sandy shore away.

© 2011 Mariya Koleva