For the Waves Crashing at the Shore

Image by Dimitris Vetsikas from Pixabay

For the Waves

That crashed near the shore all day.
It’s near summer’s end. No risk of over sun exposure –
Just the risk of regretting the insufficiency thereof.

I lay on a chair, all day, facing the waves
that curled, rolled, thundered, whitened
and crashed in billions of snow-white drops
that stole rainbow shine during their erratic flight.

The wave crests are like the snow hurrying
with terrible might down the mountain hill –
an avalanche where whipped cream breaks
in multiple white particles, dust-like,
and sparkling off with rainbow shine over their frightening fall.

(c) MK, 2019

Written for Poetic Asides, Wednesday Prompt #495 – For …

Author: soul mary

Writer, poet and reader