A Flower at Night

a flower at night
drops its head in reverie
of warm mother earth

(c) 2018, MK

My humble haiku was written as a response to this week’s Carpe Diem Weekend Meditation #14 – Revise that Haiku. Here is the original piece I considered while writing my own. And on Chevrefeuille’s prompt blog site you can read the background story in detail:

falling to the ground
a flower closer to the root
bidding farewell

© Matsuo Basho (Tr. Jane Reichhold)

Tan Renga – Where Have You Been So Far?

Hey, I’ve never known creating Tan Renga was such fun. You learn as you live, quite clearly. My friend, Chevrefeuille, regularly posts challenges and prompts at his awesome blog site, and today, I finally paid attention to this new thing for me. If you need explanation and guidance, you’d better visit his post. And here are my two contributions:

Tan Renga Challenge at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai
Tan Renga #1337
Tan Renga Challenge #1337 – “in the fields”

white poppy
it must have bloomed
from a wintry shower

in a hurry before springtime
has donned it with scarlet.

(c) 2017, Basho and MK

ancient warriors ghosts
mists over the foreign highlands –
waiting for the full moon

the field will find its
forgotten army of tall grass.

(c) 2017, Chevrefeuille and MK

An Empty Mind, haiku

An Empty Mind

evaporate the stillness
of winter pool
slowly dripping forward

(c) 2017, mk

Written for Carpe Diem #1334 Prompt which is very suitable for this quite period. You know, the Bulgarian word for holiday contains in itself the word “empty” :-).

No Time to Waste, haiku

Waste no time
Image from Carpe Diem Blog Site

No Time To Waste

A drop with a thousand
colours of light –
Frozen in the winter world.

(c) 2017, Mariya Koleva

I have long been absent from my friend’s haiku prompt blog, Carpe Diem Haiku Kai, but today’s haiku was written for his prompt #1332 No Time To Waste, taking inspiration from one thousand spectacular nuances of the water drop magnificence. Smiles.

Day 17 – Dance, a haiku


Petals twirl round mad
Waltzing and foxtrotting in
Breath-taking cadence.

©2017, MK

Day 15 – One-Time Poem

Not just any spring,
A human life is one-time –
Love it as you can.

©2017, soulmary

Day 13 – A Family Haiku

The rose bud still sleeps.
The crocuses burn restless –
Seasons bind them all.

2017, MK

Day 7 Discovery

This year I didn’t notice spring come. I simply found out it was here. 


Another orchard
Sleeps in blue insomnia –
Growth despite blindness.

©2017, MK

Day 6 – a Sound Poem

Chimes glisten. Move subtly.
Breeze invites their nature out –
Spring chimes blossoms in.

©2017, mk


Poets United Mid-week Motiff for the last week of March. It’s a haiku.

Gender is human
Nature doesn’t mark a line –
That makes me wonder.

©2017, MK