Kaleidoscope, NaPoWriMo Day 25

Magpie Tales has the following prompt for this week:


Here is my response:

Jingle, sweetness.
My oblivion
Will forever go bejeweled.

© 2011 Mariya Koleva

Author: soul mary

Writer, poet and reader

30 thoughts on “Kaleidoscope, NaPoWriMo Day 25”

  1. this is my first visit via magpie.

    I am trying very hard to understand the meaning, but there is really no need to understand, is there?
    The words will do beautifully.

  2. “My oblivion / Will forever go bejeweled.” Well phrased. And to quote Mr. Miller, “glitter, glitter” 🙂

  3. I had to finally read it backwards as a Shakespherian thing…William is being encouraged on his staying power…

    “Bejeweled! Go forever, Will!”
    “Oblivion! My sweetness!”

    jingle (fade out)

    Works perfectly through the kalediscopic mind…good job however it is read, it is fun and thought provoking.

    1. tolbert – you are so nice! I never thought of it that way. And I should have, as kaleidoscope used to be one of my favourite means for “silent amusement” in childhood. Thanks a lot!

  4. I love this poem! I read the first comment about not understanding the meaning, and it reminded me of quote I read somewhere: “rainbows are to look at, not to understand.” So, too, with poetry sometimes — there isn’t always a very deep meaning, sometimes it’s just about the beauty of image and the sound!

  5. Join poetry potluck,
    Expose your talent to wider audience today,
    Share, have fun!
    Happy May!
    You Rock!

    truly love your talent.

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