Until very recently I was certain my favourite day of the week was Saturday – the weekend has begun, yet there is still a lot to go before its end. Today, however, while doing a silly old fun test I stopped and realised that my favours have shifted from Saturday, which is probably the best-loved day of the week for the above reasons, to Friday, or even Monday.
Let’s stay focused on Friday, though. The fresh freedom foreboded by the final working day (usually) is actually more intoxicating than the very beginning of the weekend. Does that also mean that I have shifted my preferences from the actual real thing to the mere expectation and pre-taste of it? If it does, that’s terrible. And terrifying. Still, one is free to shift perspectives and preferences across the whole week, so I’ll worry about that later – when it features as an issue, for example.
So, enjoy your Friday freshness, your Friday freedom and stay away from Friday frights or Friday frets!
Hm, that’s very interesting — that we can shift our preferences from the thing itself to the expectation of the thing… I don’t know if I would call it terrible or terrifying, but I think it’s fascinating. And in a way it makes so much sense — because while you’re still waiting for the thing, it still has the POTENTIAL to be extraordinary. Whereas while you’re in the middle of experiencing the thing… even though it might be glorious, it would never be as good as it was in your imagination :))
I have a similar situation with my least favorite day of the week. It’s Sunday. But not because I hate Sunday itself, but because it’s the last day before Monday. Isn’t that ridiculous? By the time Monday comes around, I’ve spent all my hate on Sunday, in the anticipation of Monday 🙂
I don’t think that changing a day from the actual to a day of expectation is a bad thing. The main thing is to find the joy in each, and then consider the idea of having more than one favorite day.
For me – each day brings new surprises, and while some might be better than others, on the whole, it’s always awesome to see where it will eventually lead.
Very interesting post!
Adi – my feeling exactly: the potential for awesomeness sometimes means so much more. That’s also my reason for not liking Sundays especially – just like yours 🙂
and why are we writing to each other in English almost the whole time, beats me 😀 and strikes me as weird.
RJ – I agree with you, yet I only did find that out recently. I used to have more prevalent negative feelings, in general. I don’t know what happened and how come I suddenly like so many things owing to their different aspects. Yeah, I suppose that is just it – I enjoy stuff namely because I enjoy diversity.
Does it make any sense? Even I start getting lost.
🙂 apart from getting way too late!
P. S. I almost forgot:
RJ – Happy Birthday, girl! I’m so happy you stopped by and left a comment here on this special day. you know, my baby-daughter’s B-day is just a few days from now – Feb 9th 🙂 another Aquarius! The most fascinating sign to me, for sure.
Very cool – and happy birthday to your baby daughter! 🙂
I, too, love Fridays! They feel so much more like a holiday than Saturday. Work is more pleasurable, I haven’t had to start the weekend chores, there’s possibly a nice evening out in the immediate future, so much potential. And even if it turns into a stay-at-home nite, there’s always the possibility of sleeping in to anticipate! If only the internal body clock would go along with this pipe dream…Everyone, enjoy your Friday freedom. I am! Please feel free to stop by: Don Tolman Self-Care Revolution (and happy birthday all!)
Don – thanks for stopping by. Regarding the body clock – how right that is! I, too, very often wake up early on Saturdays, just because of the habit. Sunday is “another beer” 😉 as some guys would say in Bulgaria.
пишем си на английски за да може и тези които не говорят български да учавстват в нашите разговори 🙂 да не би да си помислят че злословим по техен адрес 🙂
Ади – ами да, така е. И все пак е леко странно. 🙂
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