Forest Fresh

Recently, we went to a short holiday and spent a couple of days in the forest. It was mainly raining and that helped the forest release its famous fresh aroma: of branches, trees, leaves, bushes and forest fruits. It was like walking inside a cup of herbal tea, without the inconvenience, of course.

jom10-forestThe prompt for July 10th is Forest Fresh. My poem is below.

forest fresh are leaves I meet
down my path through the day
freedom fresh is air I feel
rustling close to my ears
softly going away deep
in the forest on both sides of my path
up through the day.

©2013, Soul Mary

small stone of 8th january

Today, things are different:

“sleep, sleep, the unimaginable freedom it brings upon your memory and hardships; you close your eyes and there’s Hamlet there in front; i open them and freedom rolls its eyes before me, grinning green and grim.”

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

Friday Freshness

Until very recently I was certain my favourite day of the week was Saturday – the weekend has begun, yet there is still a lot to go before its end. Today, however, while doing a silly old fun test I stopped and realised that my favours have shifted from Saturday, which is probably the best-loved day of the week for the above reasons, to Friday, or even Monday.

Let’s stay focused on Friday, though. The fresh freedom foreboded by the final working day (usually) is actually more intoxicating than the very beginning of the weekend. Does that also mean that I have shifted my preferences from the actual real thing to the mere expectation and pre-taste of it? If it does, that’s terrible. And terrifying. Still, one is free to shift perspectives and preferences across the whole week, so I’ll worry about that later – when it features as an issue, for example.

So, enjoy your Friday freshness, your Friday freedom and stay away from Friday frights or Friday frets!