Poetic Asides (well, in fact, Robert) said we might like to write a poem that describes the world without us/me. Ha, very hard, indeed. So, here is my modesty at full display. Honestly, I feel so.
Without me
The world is still the same
As stupid as this sounds
So sorry…
© 2011 Mariya Koleva
i can imagine this piece as a catchy line quoted by a budding writer for his/her first novel 🙂
clever 🙂
spider – thanks a lot! 😀
“Without me
The world is still the same”
Who knows? It would have to be at least approximately 1 out of 7 billion or so different 🙂
Enjoyed your aside.
Iself – thanks a lot! A slight difference, maybe.. 🙂
I don’t think I’ll be doing anything to change it, either…
Stan – even if I wanted, I’m not sure I would be able to, anyway… Thanks a lot for reading!
Yes, the world goes on, doesn’t it?
Anthony – sure as death 😀
Very true. Most of us aren’t really even here this very moment. I swear to God.
Ron. – I’m afraid you are right! Thank for stopping by!
It’s time to watch, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” again. We all matter, some just a bit more than others do.
Mike – you are right, of course. I just felt a bit embarrassed to highlight my own significance 😀
You never know how you have affected the life of one person on this planet for the better. Just that one action, to a stranger, five years ago, might have been the best thing that ever happened to that person. We will never know.
christine – you have a good point there. Well, we never know… 😉 Thanks for stopping by!
It’s a humbling thought, but it probsably applies to most of us.
vivienne – yes, I think most of us (poets) are somewhat shy to start boasting about how important we are 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
Ah, but we would be missing your poetry… Good write! 🙂
Gloria – you are so nice 🙂 Thanks!