alive wordle, Day 15

NaPoWriMo, Day 15

1. Poetic Asidesslash, button, mask, strap, and balloon

Walking the streets of the Ances
I can smell the early city,
The steaming heat of the markets,
And wonder what happened to
The early people coming to the place. 

Did they have to strap the masks of gods
so all the natives worshipped them?
Or did they slash the inside of a goat
to produce that same effect? 

Were they capable of escaping
The loving ardour of their fans?
I find their crashed balloon
In the jungle just outside the city. 

Running along the streets of the Ances
I’m happy to know I’ve a button
Just push it –
It magically sends me
Away and beyond
Lunacy’s fences.

2. Haiku Heights – Alive 

Alive comes nature

All despite the human race

Not ours to ruin

Visit to a magnificent place, 50% discount

A poem about someone’s visit to a magnificent place:
Poetic Asides – Visitor’s Poem and Being Poetry – Describe a magnificent place, then count the words and reduce them by 50%

[Notes: 1. It is a Sijo. 2. The second variant is reduced by 50%]

Below the azure sky rises a blinding rocky peak,
Breath-taking with its whiteness, sublimely crushing my high pride.
I never stop coming to watch and imbibe its grandeur. 

Below azure sky – rocky peak
breath-taking, whiteness, crushing pride
I stop, watch – grandeur. 

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

Jigsaw puzzle, Mag#54

This is the prompt by Magpie Tales:


And this is my poem:

The ground is firmly shaking

And the treetops are being



Like in a piece of

weird art.