Day 7 – Drama Queen

The prompt for today is to use an Occupation or Profession as a title, so I chose one of my own

Drama Queen

My favourite occupation,
And your dream – to climb the fandom ladder
Playing what befits you most.

My lovely queen,
Your regular amaze fits, and your frequent
Pas-de-deux in the variety show
Of randomly selected dramatic media,
Goth black, feathers, glee and dreamy eyes,
Still warm my heart with bitterness
Instead of the fans’ loving glitter kisses
On your diary.

© 2018, mk


Process notes? Not really. Who can say what it means, or what caused this? I can’t. Just read. Enjoy. I hope you can.

Melodrama is harder than death
Image by eltonfernandes


Death is not easy
Unlike melodrama
Silence is heavier
than hot teardrops.

©MK, 2014

Note about the image. I really like it. I often use images by artists on the Deviant Art to accompany my poems. I can only hope the words do them credit.