The Big Tent Poetry prompt for 7th March is SCIENCE:
- Alien life might have been found in old meteors: “The implications are that life is everywhere, …”
- The junky interior of the International Space Station: “Clutter adorns almost every surface and is held in place by duct tape, Velcro and metal clips …”
- That Antarctic ice is created from below as well as above: “… the ghostly shapes of the Gamburtsevs and the giant freeze-on “beehive” structure … .”
Животът е навсякъде –
от падането на нощта
до безмълвието на дъгата,
все ни дебне в гръб,
за да подчертае, сякаш,
животът е навсякъде.
© 2011 Мария Колева
Implications are
that life is everywhere –
be it in the night fall,
or the rainbow hush,
which will silently avoid our gaze
to highlight only
that life is everywhere,
just as implicated.
© 2011 Mariya Koleva