Note for note
I draw a line
to dream
or break the bleakness
that I feel.
Inspired by the nothing
abiding at my door,
I step and wiggle
hoping there’s more
to life
than meets the eye.
© 2024, soulmary
Sweet and Bitter Stuff of Wonder
Brought to you by Mary K
Note for note
I draw a line
to dream
or break the bleakness
that I feel.
Inspired by the nothing
abiding at my door,
I step and wiggle
hoping there’s more
to life
than meets the eye.
© 2024, soulmary
I seem to remember having identical thoughts on the second day of the year. I usually check the weather, which is still fine; I try to come back to my regular sleeping habits, and I also think about having to go back to work on the following day. Here is my small stone for today:
Slowly falling in
daily orderly routine.
No sleep or too much.
Бавно се връщам
към ежедневието.
Сънят е проблем.
Pure stuff 😉 No explanation, no process notes. Simply read.
You know, I sometimes stop
and ponder.
You know the times –
You’ve seen the symptoms.
I think and wonder.
The wind comes higher
and cold amidst the trees.
And yet, I hardly breathe
for heat, I hardly listen
to the music of my heart
and to the moving sounds
of my breast –
up and down.
We hardly have the time
to stop and ponder
Because we play on
No wonder life
has that smooth
unceasing impulse
to go, to come,
to strike us down.
We pass.
© 2013, soulmary
Day 24 of the November Poem-A-Day Chapbook project – The truth about. I continue on my theme, poems of, about and for Dad.
Do you really want to know the truth about
My life without you?
Like a nightmare of lacks
of chances, belief, or hope
A series of
hysterical fits,
depression and euphoria.
Wishing the world would really end
before the end of December.
The truth about this nightmare
is my age, spent time and wear-out.
The truth about me involving you
is looking for excuses.
The truth about me is
I’m a failure.
© soul mary
These days, I’ve been thinking of not writing anymore. It’s true, other authors’ activity somewhat depresses me. They manage to write, share, submit, get published, get liked, etc. in such short terms. Success around makes me feel more insignificant than I actually am. From time to time someone would ask me what happened to my book/my poetry writing/my publishing plans and intentions. I mumble in response like an idiot. I don’t even know how I decided to check the prompt sites today.
Carry On Tuesday hit the mark with Midway in Life’s Journey – a topic so sad and bitter, that the following simply poured over the paper. No tears, just words. I have no power for tears anymore.
I don’t want to hear a word
of being midway in life’s journey
Trust to my left, rust to my right
Being awake all night
Mull over self-saddening confusions
Close the window to
bleak memories
sweet memories
just memories
warming my heart
warning my mind
worrying my soul.
I can’t really pre-order my days
Nor my nights, for that matter
Purring cat on my left
Dictionary on my right –
I guess, they matter.
© Mariya Koleva, 2012
Nov PAD 2011, Day 14 – Deadly and/or dangerous poem. I must admit it surprised even me. And, it turned out my character is male. At least I feel it so. No more waiting, here is the poem itself:
“So, life is deadly?” Amy asked
Somewhat disappointed of it.
“In fact, it is.” was my reply,
As I drew a new breath of wine.
And she looked, her smile empty,
Confusion yelling from her eyes
Then gripping at my throat.
“So, life is deadly?” Amy asked.
We sat like that, it seemed, for hours.
I felt our bottle was never ending.
The waitress often swept by us
Somewhat disappointed by it.
I got my glass to shatter, and so
Waved the girl to come around.
“Oh, is your bottle up already?”
“In fact, it is.” was my reply.
She stayed, then stared and laughed.
So my Amy invited her over.
I toasted, “Here’s to the meaning of life,”
As I drew a new breath of wine.
© 2011 Mariya Koleva
Haiku Heights #58 Breathe
In and out is all
we ever do for certain.
In and out is life.
© 2011 Mariya Koleva
The Big Tent Poetry prompt for 7th March is SCIENCE:
Животът е навсякъде –
от падането на нощта
до безмълвието на дъгата,
все ни дебне в гръб,
за да подчертае, сякаш,
животът е навсякъде.
© 2011 Мария Колева
Implications are
that life is everywhere –
be it in the night fall,
or the rainbow hush,
which will silently avoid our gaze
to highlight only
that life is everywhere,
just as implicated.
© 2011 Mariya Koleva
Most things good for writing are bad for life. – Lorrie Moore
Повечето хубави за писане неща са лоши за живота. – Лори Мур