OSI#213 Transition – Alouette
Transition best fits
Those willing to quit
Who move away from the dark.
It suddenly starts
As they fall apart
Blazing with beautiful spark.
Transition itself
Stays hardly on shelf
It often makes for the stars.
Those people remain
In fire and pain
Yet never live behind bars.
© 2012 Mariya Koleva
The pain of enduring is easier than defining what makes this so artistic; a rare commodity you’ve shared generously.
Thank you, Bruce!
A new dimension of Transition.
Nicely expressed.
PremI – thanks a lot!
“Blazing with beautiful spark”… I like that image
marilyn, thank you!
Some excellent imagery in this. And quite a message.
Anthony – thanks!
Yes, a lot of imagery in your words. Interesting.
thanks, Geraldine!
good rhythm in this poem 🙂
Deborah – thanks a lot! This form – the Alouette, is very cute. Unfortunately, I usually do poor job poeming to forms, as I put too much efforts in the form instead of the content 😀
loved the contrasts on each stanza here.
the rhymes are added bonus too
totomai – thank you 🙂
A very nice rhythm, and the words are very wise.
Thank you, Misky!
I like your Alouette, Mariya. I had to look it up so I’d know it’s form. Good job here! 🙂
You are right too, there aren’t many stars behind bars though I dare say if we were doing what they did they would through away the keys on us.
Jim, thanks a lot!
In fire and pain…very vivid! Great read.
I haven’t wrapped my head around this prompt yet, but maybe later today.
Jorc – glad you visited! Thanks for the nice words!