Liquidators, sevenling

The plan was to write a sevenling, which is a seven-line poem structured in tercets and containing the element of three. Yet, the three-line nature of tercet and the three-someness induced me to make it contain three tercets, so it went out of form. For the Poetic form challenge I edited it, leaving out the second tercet. Here, however, I publish it in its entirety.

The liquidators at Chernobyl,

reservists, workers, coal-miners –

some eight hundred thousand lives

Wasted – some died on site,

some died within a month

and others lingered on, oh – so on,

Went there for their children

who could live on, and play, and mourn

without them even

While we just profited by it.

(а ние просто се възползвахме) where you will read the Bulgarian poem, which is not a sevenling.