A safe place, after WWP

The latest prompt at We Write Poems is about finding, making, defining what is a safe place. And so… I put together another “and-then-again” poem. Here:

And then again, if I should say

that what is hidden,

will be safe;

Is it enough for you to stay

a silent secret

stashed away?

Is it enough to go unknown,

uncared for,

unhated though,

just for the sake of

being safe?

Avoidance is the safety game.

Author: soul mary

Writer, poet and reader

20 thoughts on “A safe place, after WWP”

  1. Sometimes keeping things ‘safe’ is a double edged sword. Your poem is thought provoking.

  2. An interesting thought. “unhated” stands out, for me, by being un-anticipated. I would have been tempted into giving such a strong thought a star position.

  3. Really like that last line, even though avoidance seldom works as a safety feature, it is what we do anyway,


    1. Elizabeth – you are so right about that! In fact, it is often hard to decide how “safe” or “isolated” one wants to be. At least to me.

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