The Kick-Ass Princess


Amazed with my soul
that sighs in silent music tones
and busts in awful failures.

The system needs restart
to the level of awesomeness
it enjoyed a while ago.

My head’s a mess,
even more so than my verse.
If there exists a visit
of reason and rhyme,
trump me with it.

The CD spins its endless tune.
I get off, all dressed up for party –
a kick-ass princess with a headache.

© 2015, MK

Author: soul mary

Writer, poet and reader

9 thoughts on “The Kick-Ass Princess”

  1. Wonderful word choice throughout love the climatic ending leading right back to the title … Thanks for the share – I haven’t posted my usuals this morning – yours was a treat 🙂

  2. Interesting poem, my friend…

    I’ve been trying to re-start my system for a while, now, not sure how successful I’ve been.

    Not sure it’s ever been at the level of awesomeness…quite good, maybe, hee, hee!

    My ankle is what’s a mess…the verse, peculiar and offbeat as it can often be is just fine, thank you! 😀

  3. Thanks:
    Sabra – sometimes one doesn’t know which exact words will do the trick 😉
    De – too much partying, not enough poeming seems to be bad for some heads… Perhaps… lol
    Kiril – well, at least in verse we may call ourselves “awesome” and not sound too arrogant 😀
    Thank you, dear friends.

  4. A kick ass princess – is there any other kind…you need a little fight when the world is messy – wonderful playful and meaningful poem

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