Knit – RDP Saturday

When I was a child, all grandmothers used to knit. We would receive sweaters, hats, socks and whatnot for each winter holiday. A rich variety of patterns and colours, knitted clothes were an invariable part of our lives. Looking at my granny and mom and admiring their dexterity and the beautiful outcome of the activity made me eager to learn to knit, as well. Of course, perfection is a difficult thing to achieve when one is not diligent enough, but I managed to make a top for my cuddling toy which it still wears, in fact. Ah, the beauty of childhood hobbies!

You take a ball of yarn,
Start learning the loops
Then practice them –
Beginning, ending, patterns,
Until you are absorbed in the
Unending thread lining your day,
Engrossing your thoughts
Like magic.
The bonus being a shawl
Or sweater that will hug you warm
While you dream looking at the snow,
Like magic.

© 2025, soulmary

Written for yesterday’s prompt at RagTag Daily


Another Monday prompt comes from the Ragtag Daily, and it’s – Cascade. To write it, I went back in time to a cascading fall I visited and the emotions it evoked. That was a magnificent view and experience, naturally, and one I cannot forget. Despite the grandeur of the site, crowds were particularly potent in ruining the moment. You know how it is – you wait in line to stand on that special photo spot. You have to accept all the noise produced by the rest of the world who are there at that time. Music, commentaries, arrogance, even barbecue smells are invariable companions to such trips. If you can, you ignore it. If you cannot ignore it, you try to forget it.


One step, a waterfall,
another step, a pond.
But can you see the tiny bridge
arching over the wet turmoil?

The sound is deafening,
the scenery inspires awe.
The green and blue and white
of the violent stream,
studded with those random stones
coming into view from time to time.
All that stops my breath
and then I lose it.

Cascading falls sing on
their unending song
of a world that is passing by –
a world so careless and so divine.

© 2024, soulmary

What Do We Mean?

And this is the RagTag Daily Prompt from yesterday, 24 September – Meaning. Now, that is an interesting topic, indeed. There are ‘mean’ girls in high school. There are also old ‘mean’ people who try not to spend any money extra. Plus, statistics know the ‘mean’ value of certain variables. Wow, such a plenitude. To think that this important notion will have such a rich variety of semantic incarnations is mind boggling. So, here is my RDP poem.

*** The Meaningful Poem ***

Is ‘meaning’ what our thoughts and words contain and carry?
Does ‘mean’ describe a person nasty, or one who wouldn’t spend a penny?
And does it show a value somewhere in the middle?
It feels as if we know but little
on this subject grave and serious.

Why is the word so mysterious?

© 2024, soulmary

Buy Now!

What you see is what you won’t receive
before you’ve paid in full
in cash, in kind, in everything
you hold so dearly.

Why buy then? Why now?
What’s the urge to give and take
seeing the fragile promise of an item
that will be pleasing?

Buy now! For it lasts so short
that in a blink it’s gone forever.
Forever versus Now
Come now, forever!
Join us in this mega store where
happiness is on the shelf
along with soda, cheese and chewing gum.

© 2024, soulmary

The original prompt can be found on this fantastic site. Check out some more art works in the comments, plus other great art prompts!