What Do We Mean?

And this is the RagTag Daily Prompt from yesterday, 24 September – Meaning. Now, that is an interesting topic, indeed. There are ‘mean’ girls in high school. There are also old ‘mean’ people who try not to spend any money extra. Plus, statistics know the ‘mean’ value of certain variables. Wow, such a plenitude. To think that this important notion will have such a rich variety of semantic incarnations is mind boggling. So, here is my RDP poem.

*** The Meaningful Poem ***

Is ‘meaning’ what our thoughts and words contain and carry?
Does ‘mean’ describe a person nasty, or one who wouldn’t spend a penny?
And does it show a value somewhere in the middle?
It feels as if we know but little
on this subject grave and serious.

Why is the word so mysterious?

© 2024, soulmary

Author: soul mary

Writer, poet and reader