NaNoWriMo Week 1

The total shows 14202 words in all.

That’s what I’m very happy about. What worries me is that my plot is not going well. My characters are supposed to ACT, but all they do is TALK. They tarry too much and never seem to be ready for action. So far I have covered one week of their life and maybe until now I had to reach at least one third of my planned time-span for the whole novel.

The other worry I have is that even though I tend to write much better in English, than I do in Bulgarian, somehow this time English evades me. Witty lines come to me in Bulgarian and I have trouble fitting them in the English text. Translating would be absurd right now, as all have to fret about is growing the wordcount.

Anyway, I learn a lot as I go. Even before starting I learned how important it was to invent your set of characters and to sketch some of the plot ahead.

as to the result, we’ll see.

Week One is a total success!