Poetic Asides has a suggestion to write a goofy poem. The Big Tent Poetry offered some more. I combined. Here is the result:
The Shark
I’m sorry that6 I was a fish4,
Just dying to have lungs3 an’ all.
I’m sorry that I was a shark,
Just dreamed of love and heart of gold.
I’m sorry to have eaten you
Just nature had its fierce hold.
My teeth, they simply snapped and snapped
And all I knew was flesh, blood, bone.
Well, anyway, your fate was sealed
By that warfare5 your ship was ‘midst.
You know, I’ve seen so gourmet meals –
That war for you, it was my feast.
So you were gone2 and I was old
But there is the sky still blue
An’ isn’t it so sweet and all
That death united me and you?
© 2011 Mariya Koleva
The Big Tent Poetry offered the following prompts for NaPoWriMo Week 2:
2. Write about something that no longer exists. April 5th Tue
3. Write a poem with lungs in it. April 6th Wed
4. Write a poem as though you are a fish. April 7th Thu
5. Write a letter poem to someone in a war zone or a revolution. April 8th Fri
6. Write a poem that starts, “I am sorry about _____.” April 9th Sat