Rock Concert


There was a time when teenagers divided into rock and disco fans. A lot more in the way of distinction came along that line, but so many years later, I know that none of that is of any significance. Back then, however, it was at the core of your self-identification. I sided with those going to rock concerts rather than discos. I met plenty of weirdness on my way, which would most likely be the case as well, had I chosen to go the other way. You know the thing I mean. One cannot escape that.

jom-22-rockThe prompt for July 22nd in my July, Oh my! challenge is Rock Concert. Read on for my take on it.

Rock Concert

Outsiders chose that.
Hot chicks went to disco.
What’s wrong with Rock
Is that it’s hard
You break your scull
against it.
And someone breaks your heart.
But that’s another story
Quite irrelevant to rock,
The concerts, or your
petty love-affairs.

©2013, soulmary

Author: soul mary

Writer, poet and reader