
September Heights #12 – Rain and Tackle it Tuesday – kigo

Abandoned fields where
Only winds and thorns will ride
Host the silent rain

Grey sky frowns eyebrows
High wind empties the sidewalks
Rage against the sun

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

Author: soul mary

Writer, poet and reader

6 thoughts on “Rain”

  1. Wow! Mariya what a wonderful set of haiku. I love the way you’ve composed these. The first one is my favorite it’s a very strong image you paint here with your words.
    The last line of the second ‘rage against the sun’ is very well composed … very different with other haiku I have read on this theme rain/kigo.
    Thank you for sharing these with us. And I am so glad that you’ve found the way to my weekly meme ‘Tackle It Tuesday’. Your participation in this meme I appreciate.

  2. Very well done. I love how creative you are and they sound so wonderful when read out loud! Great job!
    Mine is here
    Have you a FANTABULOUS WEEK!!!

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