Monday mindfulness


Monday is believed to be an especially tough day, especially in the morning. As usual, we stayed late last night although nothing interested was on, just to have some final sweet moments of the weekend. As usual, the morning wake-up alarm was unwelcome.

Yet, a recent survey showed that Tuesday, and not Monday anymore, was the toughest day of the week. So, in compliance with the new directive, my Mondays have brightened immensely since then. It turns out that on Monday one is still relaxed and refreshed after the weekend (strongly depending on the weekend) and has enough resilience to pull through. On Tuesday, however, one fully realises that the week is in its proper reign and there is no way back, nor could one speed forward to the weekend. Then, despair settles in.

So, while it is still Monday, let’s make good use of it. Be mindful and don’t forget to mention all who inspire you!