A River of Stones, January 2019

Years ago, I followed a blog challenge, A River of Stones, where I tried to contemplate and write one small piece each day in January. Although the stream was interrupted and the original blogger discontinued the tradition, over the years, I have seen many of my poetry friends do the same every January. After the very first time, 2012, I have had many fresh new beginnings, with each New Year dawning, but I, too, discontinue very easily.

This year, I will write small stones for as many days as I find them. No promises, no tears lost. Here is the first stone in this 2019 January River:
Без сняг пред портата –
поле от сивота
и сухи съчки.

No snow –
the field is brown and grey.
Just windy.

Winter Haiku

Let me further celebrate a wonderful Monday which has no snow… as of yet, offering my dear friends (=readers) a snowless winter haiku, which is not expecially correct in terms of number of syllables.


Monday resting now

Snow no more remembered

Than the view of us
