Two for Tuesday

I picked the title up from the Poetic Asides forum, so it is nothing new. I have been considering twisted Tuesday trend for today, but then gave it up.

Now, as this post must contain two-something, here they are:

One: The weather here is brilliant. All my friends across the Atlantic tweet about snow and/or storms. And here we are happy to announce spring is just round the corner. Hopefully, frost will not have its way again and ruin our bright mood.

Two: The recipes for cookies I got are too hard for me to try. 😉 Adi will surely try to talk me out of this. And she is quite likely to succeed. All I need is just a soft, friendly push into baking 😀 Almost like the one I got for NaNoWriMo.

One again: The sun rises earlier each morning and our drive across the Bridge is getting brighter (until summer comes and we start nagging about the heat).

Two again: The coming B-day party is not the appropriate platform to practice my baking skills. I’ll leave it till the following weekend. And I’ll post a report on the “how far/good I succeeded”.

Until then, enjoy your Tuesday, and hopefully it brings you many twos of niceties.

Author: soul mary

Writer, poet and reader