Turn around, PA Wed 126

Poetic Asides Wednesday prompt is “turn around”. Oh, and it’s a shadorma… (I hope).


Turn around

Discover grandeur

Back in town.

The glamour of it

Filling the pretentious sway

Turns around.


© 2011 Mariya Koleva

Author: soul mary

Writer, poet and reader

2 thoughts on “Turn around, PA Wed 126”

  1. I really like the way your words frame this sentiment so well. One should definitely turn around to see what is around them. ?

    1. RJ – thanks for stopping by! And thank you for the warm words! It’s strange, as I planned to focus this poem on the Japan disaster, but it turned around somehow. And yesterday, I wrote two poems that I had planned to be light and funny, but they went towards Japan. Well, muse is weird, I guess.

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