Trope Poem – Day 21 of April PAD

Today, Writer’s Digest offered the prompt of writing a trope poem. I checked the list of Horror Stories tropes and chose two of them.

On a dark, starless night
we were reading a horror story
about a lab where nerds did find
a way to paint our town red – so gory.

The trouble was that dead won’t die,
and they won’t bleed more, either.
The chance for us was just to hide
but where – hey, we’d lived together.

Another trouble – double pain
the bad won’t die, they’re just unbeaten.
All we could do was futile pray
although none did believe it’ll deliver.

So, dawn did come
With it, the light
They brought naught
We slipped away
in slumber
for our prayers
were not duly answered.

I hope this text survives
to get into your hands
and be read aloud,
to honour our attempt to fight.

©2024, soulmary

Author: soul mary

Writer, poet and reader