The world’s center, NaPoWriMo day 28

Poetic Asides – “the world without”; The Big Tent Poetry – what’s in the center:

The world without its center

Anyway, what’s in the center?
Is it a thing, a person, or a thought,
Otherwise incapable of getting

And should I try to find
a single one,
instead of blending all the world
around its missing center?

Around the edges of the absolute.

© 2011 Mariya Koleva


(There is, of course, a well-intentioned joke with Romeo and Juliet.)

Author: soul mary

Writer, poet and reader

14 thoughts on “The world’s center, NaPoWriMo day 28”

  1. I feel like you bent my mind around the center, much like sitting in a philosphy class. 😉 Good one!

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