The printed word remains, sunday wordle 55

Sunday Wordle #55align, emerging, print, cobalt, vibrate, contrast, chance, wink, dot, grind, clear, hook

Align this text
with all your dots
you put in there
by mere chance.

Let’s print it clear
in contrast
from the grind
you close in on me
The hook
above the door vibrates
with that perpetual
and cobalt wink

The text is still
on print
though your shadow
and your swiftness

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

Also shared with Poets United Poetry Pantry #99

Author: soul mary

Writer, poet and reader

14 thoughts on “The printed word remains, sunday wordle 55”

  1. Nicely done, and I really like the text on print though your shadow and your swiftness faded.

  2. Liked this very much, Mariya. Tight, and powerful.
    My eyes wanted to remove that “and” at the end of the second stanza, to make it “that perpetual/cobalt wink.” The rest is just so tight, not sure you need it. 😉

  3. Mariya- So VERY nice to meet. Your words strain at being well behaved and go off in their own direction. They will outlast us all. Great wordle- see you again next week.

  4. Thanks to:

    annell – sadly, it does.

    brenda w – you are too kind.

    Marianne – that’s a real charm with prompts, every poet goes different way!

    margo – they do, don’t they. At least, the printed ones.

    De – I tried to take the ‘and’ out, but the rhythm needs it. So, I decided in its favour.

    pam – thanks a lot!

    laurie – you are very kind.

    Mary – that made me think when I came up with the phrase. And I liked it, so there it is!

    Mark – thanks a lot.

    Walt – oh, I’m glad you liked it!

    Misky – yeah, *sighs*, that’s me 🙂

    Teri – nice to meet you, too. I enjoy wordles very much, so I’m sure to come back for more!

  5. To me this captures that mystery I enjoy reading, but then either the story or the book ends…and what I have read gets to fade into my evening dreams. Well wordled. If you care to enjoy my continuing story verse you can find the 3rd (of f4 so far) here (Well two are from a different word list prompt and while they can all be read and stand on their own they did lead to each other…):

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