Sci-fi, Day 18

1. Haiku Heights – White 

Invisible snow

softly patting the ground

Invisibly white

2. Poetic Asides – Sci-fi

“Avon, teleport me!”*
I remember mid-grade.
“Zaan, assist me through!”**
a new century began.

Same message all over:
“Hey, you –
human, or else,
no matter,
do something for me,
for I don’t want to be alone.” 

*Blake’s Seven

©2012 Mariya Koleva

small stone for 6th Jan

Well, I must admit it was a whole different day today. My contribution to the River of Stones:

“Six-hours ride through a country so sundry. Snow equals scare, skidding on the road, beware. Tree tops heavy and large with their fresh white caps. Fields in fascinating fashion keep quite, lying under their shabby quilt of white dust and memories past.”

© 2012 Mariya Koleva