United in November

That title should actually be “United in October” because that’s when the academic year starts here, and that’s my main reference in this poem. But, since it IS November and this is my original Poem-A-Day month, the title is what it is. Today is Tuesday and as tradition has it, Robert gives two prompts for poetry.
The prompts for today are United poem and Divided poem. Here is the …

United Poem
Every first school day was like a comeback
From another life.

I would shake off the summer glitches and follies
and unite with my old gang
of undergraduate intellectuals.

All of us speaking of literature,
All of us thinking of languages,
All of us living in books.

The total melt-in was usually over
By mid-October.

Occasional weekends would sweep me
Back to my summer time world
Of coke sipping through a straw
Now done in smoky bars,
Everybody wearing leather jackets and long sleeves
Instead of their denim shorts.
Looking way more like real rockers
Than misguided teenagers playing grown-ups.

© MK, 2015