Travel Bags

The month of July is approaching its end and weather is really hot over here. We have been beaching more than we used to over the past couple of years, and it’s a good thing we live by the beach, as it is.

The poetry and creative prompt challenge of ‘July, Oh my!’ is also coming to an end. To sum up, I made a sincere attempt to enjoy it and came back to poeming by using it. I hoped there will be others to keep company, but there have been none, apart from one poem written and the intention for more. Anyway, I didn’t do anything to popularise the month, and that was partly due to the fact that I wasn’t sure in my own participation. In a word, I felt myself not very reliable as a host.

jom-27-trabaIt is time for the July 27th prompt and the poem: Travel Bags.

It’s good if they’re only travel bags
And not those people use
for moving out and maybe
going away to break
the ties they have enjoyed
to some extent
or other.

So, travel bags, as long as
you bring them back
are wonderful to carry,
full and empty,
every now and then.

©2013, soulmary

Car Travel

It is nearing the end of July and it is very hot. Roughly a month ago, while I was still inventing the prompt list, I was foreseeing such heat. That is true. But, to be honest, I was hoping that would be the case over the whole month, and exactly when we were on holiday at the swimming pool, the weather was not that good. What is good is that we live by the sea and what was lost at the swimming pool, was compensated at the beach 🙂

jom25-carOK, it is hot and travelling by car is a normal way of going on holiday. Of course, people still use trains and coaches, but more and more choose car these days. The prompt for July 26th is Car Travel and here is my poem take on it.

Round and round
They go – the wheels.
Back and forth you move
– the gears.
Trees run by or crawl
Scenes shift fast
or they glide,
Until all passenger
just fall asleep
In love with the
scenery around.

©2013, soul mary

small stone for 7th Jan

Finally, my small stone will be a bit different:

“The train is packed with packets, bags, and people carrying, caressing pets, and talking smoothly of their days and lives, of their children, cars and recent flights. The highway blocked, no buses ride – so, train’s the only means of getting by.”

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

The New Year’s Journey is beginning

Haiku Heights, Jan 1 – most inspiring prompt for the New Beginning: TRAVEL


Journey beginning
The suns smiles gently outside
Numb with cold. Thrilling. 

© 2012 Mariya Koleva

Travel poem – Nov PAD, Day 23

Day 23 demands a travel poem


trip taking
decision making
heart breaking

homecome for me.


© 2011 Mariya Koleva

Holiday travel plans…

So, shall we say again? We dream of China, end of August. Will it bring us joy, new thrills and sweet emotions? Will it be inspiration? Who knows? And who’s to tell…