The month of July is approaching its end and weather is really hot over here. We have been beaching more than we used to over the past couple of years, and it’s a good thing we live by the beach, as it is.
The poetry and creative prompt challenge of ‘July, Oh my!’ is also coming to an end. To sum up, I made a sincere attempt to enjoy it and came back to poeming by using it. I hoped there will be others to keep company, but there have been none, apart from one poem written and the intention for more. Anyway, I didn’t do anything to popularise the month, and that was partly due to the fact that I wasn’t sure in my own participation. In a word, I felt myself not very reliable as a host.
It is time for the July 27th prompt and the poem: Travel Bags.
It’s good if they’re only travel bags
And not those people use
for moving out and maybe
going away to break
the ties they have enjoyed
to some extent
or other.
So, travel bags, as long as
you bring them back
are wonderful to carry,
full and empty,
every now and then.
©2013, soulmary